
Posts Tagged ‘week 2’

You would think that by writing out my goals for the world to see (and by world, I mean the four people who read this blog), I would somehow be more inclined to bite the bullet than bite the dust.  But week two of running was a fail.

Fail Whale of RunningIt started out alright. On a Monday and on time, but as a was running up the third hill(esque) I felt my dinner want to make a come-back.

But sadly, even though this set-back would have sustained not running for just one evening. Instead I took of the entire week off. Why?

It’s simple enough. I’ve been feeling a little (read: hugely) irritated by the current state of my being. Which I will not delve into with this post (Thank goodness you are spared!). But let me leave you with a few parting words of advice when it comes to this running business:

1) Overcoming running is in your mind. And it also has to do with your emotional well-being. I.e. being able to believe in the fact that you will, somehow, survive this and walk out the better for it. Which leads to point 2…

2) It’s going to hurt, so embrace the fact that you will feel pain and prepare yourself for that.

Luckily, I am still continuing the program – despite me being me.

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